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First Aid In Rugby (FAIR)

First Aid In Rugby Course (FAIR)

Rugby Canada is pleased to offer the new World Rugby- Level 1 First Aid in Rugby course. This course is delivered by trained World Rugby Medical Educators and contains both a face-to-face course and some online modular learning.

Injuries are a part of any contact sport. The outcome of many injuries can often be improved by very simple first aid skills from bystanders until emergency help arrives. Such bystanders may be parents, officials, coaches, referees or even players. This rugby specific first aid course is designed to support local teams with an introductory First Aid management program.

 Be A Lifesaver: Know you’re A-B-C

  • A- Airway  B- Breathing  C- Circulation
  • Saving life always starts with A
  • If you don’t have an A, you want have B or C
  • Airway: Open it, clear it and maintain it

 Kick Infection into Touch

  • Don’t share your blood on clothes and towels; blood spreads infection; wash it or dispose of it
  • A wound neglected is a wound infected
  • The solution to pollution is dilution- Wash the wound with large amounts of water
  • Clean it then cover it

 If they are on the deck, think about the neck

  • Don’t shake them, roll them or sit them up
  • Think about the spine, keep it inline and take your time
  • Stop the game and ask about pain
  • An unconscious player has a neck injury until proven otherwise


To register for this course, all participants must complete the following:


  1. Register as a coach with
  2. Select the First Aid In Rugby Level 1 option
  3. Complete the following World Rugby Certificates at
    • World Rugby First Aid in Rugby online module
    • World Rugby Concussion Management module (FOR GENERAL PUBLIC)
  4. Save your World Rugby certificates to your computer as a PDFs
  5. Return to your profile at and upload both certificates to your profile
  6. Register for the clinic you wish to take

© 2025 - Rugby Canada
Email: (Manager of Training and Education)